Flow and UTS stand by Curacao’s community

Willemstad, Curacao (April 2nd, 2020) -- Leading telecom providers Flow and UTS have reaffirmed their commitment to the people of Curacao as the country faces the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic.

Both companies, which are owned and operated by Liberty Latin America, have established innovative ways to keep the public informed and connected.

“While this is an unprecedented situation, the one thing that remains consistent and is critical in these challenging times is the ability for us to communicate and connect with our loved ones and conduct our business as best as possible,” said Marilyn Sealy, Senior Manager, Communications, Flow.

Effective immediately, Flow and UTS are zero-rating calls to all local doctors’ offices via fixed lines and via Chippie which means that customers calling from a mobile phone will not attract any charges.

Postpaid hybrid customers are also receiving 1GB free bonus data for the next month.

The companies are also providing free access to Channel 84 (Government Information TV) on both the Flow and UTS/TDS network which is currently broadcasting around-the-clock information on all matters regarding COVID-19, while all customers can also now enjoy a ‘free view’ of Kids and Family content until April 30th.

“We are proud to operate the strongest, fastest and most reliable networks in the Caribbean and we are equally committed to providing all available resources to ensure our customers continue to have access to all-important connectivity and support,” added Sealy.

At this time, Chippie is providing a 3-day Combo plan with 2.5 times the bonus data with unlimited calls to all UTS and Chippieland numbers for just ANG14.99. Customers should send combo3d to 3434 or activate via the UTS app.

“We know the products and services we deliver are absolutely essential and thousands of people are relying on us to keep them connected. Every team member fully understands this and each department across the company, regardless of its function, is working together to ensure our critical communications backend remains intact and fully operational. This is our commitment to the country.”

Flow i UTS tei pa komunidat di Kòrsou

Willemstad, Kòrsou (2 di aprel, 2020) – Kompanianan lider di telekomunikashon, FLOW i UTS a reiterá nan kompromiso na e pueblo di Kòrsou miéntras ku esaki ta enfrentá e pandemia di COVID-19.

Ámbos kompania ku ta pertenesé na i ta ser ópera pa Liberty Latin America a establesé maneranan inovativo pa mantené komunidat informá i konektá.

“Miéntras ku esaki ta un situashon sin presedente, e un kos ku ta keda konsistente i ku ta krusial durante e tempunan yen di desafio aki, ta e abilidat pa komuniká i konektá ku nos sernan kerí i sigui ehersé nos negoshinan mas mihó ku ta posibel”, tabata palabranan di Marilyn Sealy, Senior Manager, Communications, Flow.

Entrante awor, Flow i UTS no ta kobra pa yamadanan lokal pa tur ofisina di dòkter via liñanan fiho i tampoko via Chippie, loke ta nifiká ku klientenan ku yama via mobil lo no tin gastu pa ku e yamadan ei.

Klientenan postpaid di ‘hybrid’ tambe lo risibí 1GB adishonal grátis e luna aki.

E kompanianan ta proveé tambe akseso grátis na kanal 84 (kanal di informashon di Gobièrnu) riba e ret di Flow i tambe UTS/TDS. E kanal ta transmitiendo informashon 24-7 di tur loke ta relashoná ku COVID-19. Tambe tur kliente por disfrutá awor grátis di kontenido pa mucha i henter famia te ku 30 di aprel.

Sra. Sealy a añadí; “Nos ta orguyoso di ta operá e retnan di mas fuerte, lihé i konfiabel den Karibe, i nos ta di igual manera komprometé nos mes pa proveé tur rekurso disponibel pa sigurá ku nos klientenan por tin akseso na e konekshon i sosten ku ta asina importante”.

Na e momentunan aki Chippie ta ofresé un pakete kombo di 3 dia ku ta inkluí 2.5 biaha e kantidat di data i tambe yamadanan ilimitá pa tur number di UTS i Chippieland pa solamente ANG 14.99. Klientenan mester djis manda combo3d na 3434 òf aktivá via e UTS app.

“Nos ta konsiente ku e produktonan i servisionan ku nos ta ofresé ta apsolutamente esensial, i ku míles di persona ta dependé di nos pa mantené nan konektá. Kada un miembro di e tim ta komprondé esaki kompletamente i p’esei kada departamento den e kompania, no opstante su funshon, ta trahando huntu pa sigurá pa nos sistema kritiko di komunikashon permanesé intakto i kompletamente operashonal. Esaki ta nos kompromiso ku e pais.”


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